It builds up to political unrest in Sweden. Several parties say they will vote against Johansson in a vote of confidence due to be held in the Riksdag next Tuesday.
It is the Swedish Democrats who are going to table a motion of no confidence against the Minister of Justice and the Interior, Morgan Johansson, because they believe that he is doing his job too badly.
– We have reached the point where the most important criminal policy measure is to retire Morgan Johansson early, says SD group leader Henrik Vinge, who criticizes Johansson for handling criminal gangs.
Moderates, Christian Democrats and Liberals also say they will vote to remove Johansson. The Center Party has not yet taken a position on the issue.
[ Stortinget skygget unna abortdebatt. Ingen ville engang spørre helseministeren ]
– Never seen
But if Johansson has to leave, the whole government will resign, said Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson of the Social Democrats.
– In Sweden, we have a collective refusal to make decisions. If you dismiss a minister because of political decisions, you dismiss the whole government. It goes without saying, Andersson said at a news conference on Thursday.
– We are now three months away from a regular election and there is a war in our immediate vicinity. We are in a very delicate situation for our candidacy for NATO. It’s totally irresponsible. It’s unheard of, Andersson said.
One vote missing
The vote of no confidence will take place on Tuesday at 12. In order to dismiss the Minister of Justice and the Interior, Johansson, at least half of the 349 members of the Riksdag must vote in favour.
The four parties that have now declared they will vote no-confidence hold a total of 174 seats. Thus, one vote is missing to be able to overthrow the minister.
Johansson himself replied that the SD and right-wing parties speak loudly and engage in personal attacks. He believes the right has no better answers on how to reduce recruitment into criminal gangs.