Kubacki with bronze and Poland’s promotion to the overall standings. Ranking of medals of the World Nordic Skiing Championships in Planica [3.03.2023]

Poland has advanced in the general classification of the 2023 Nordic Skiing World Championships in Planica. Thanks to Dawid Kubacki’s bronze medal in ski jumping on the large hill, Biało-Czerwoni jumped just behind the podium to fourth place in the “general”, and essentially returned to the place occupied last week after the medal gold on Piotr Żyła’s medium hill.

On the tenth day of the World Championships in Planica, two sets of medals were distributed in the men’s 4×10 km relay and the men’s ski jumping on the large hill HS-138.

In the relay, the Norwegian team of Hans Christer Holund, Paul Golberg, Simen Hegstad Krüger and Johannes Høsflot Klæbo proved unbeatable, ahead of the Finns (Ristomatti Hakola, Iivo Niskanen, Perttu Hyvärinen and Niko Anttola) and the Germans (Albert Kuchler , Janos Brugger, Jonas Dobler and Friedrich Moch).

The Finns, thanks to the second place in the men’s relay, this year won the first medal in winter sports at the world championships, in a way defending the honor of the great power of snow disciplines, which Soumi has been for decades years.

The Poles in the men’s 4×10 km relay did not start.

In ski jumping on the large hill, the hosts’ first gold medal of the championships was won by a Slovenian Timi Zajecthe money went to the japanese Ryoyu Kobayashi and it was the first medal of the Land of the Rising Sun at the Planica championship. The basic medal was won by the best Polish jumper of the moment David Kubackiselling the most success Kamil Stoch.

Alec Dittman

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