Tremblant (dpa) – Federica Brignone also took part in the second women’s Weltcup-Riesenslalom in Canada in Tremblant. The Italians were contributed by Lara Gut-Behrami of Switzerland (+0.33 seconds) and American star Mikaela Shiffrin (+0.39) by.
Bei sehr widrigen Bedingungen mit Windböen, Schneefall und schlechter Sicht im 2weiten Lauf hatte Brignone am meistenriskiert et war von Rang sechs noch nach ganz vorn gefahren.
On the 33rd day I am at the Vortag in the first Riesentorlauf in Canada for Petra Vlhova and Shiffrin gewonnen – die Slowakin Vlhova konnte tags darauf ihre Halbzeitführung nicht ins Ziel broughten.
Emma Aicher took part in the Weltcup-Punkte
A small working team makes the life of the German Mannschaft thanks to the debutant Emma Aicher: the 20-year-old first took place in his career in a two-year World Cup tournament and a set at rank 16 at the level Punkte.
It’s been war since October 2021 and much more for two years, the first day of competition for the DSV at the Weltcup-Riesenslaloms – if the podium trip of the Viktoria Rebensburg in summer 2020 died in the German problem among the women .
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