– Can be unattractive

– It is certain that some will have more than 30 degrees. But the question is when and who gets the highest temperature, says state meteorologist Eirin Walstad Ristesund at the Dagbladet Meteorological Institute.

This weekend, all counties in Norway enjoyed temperatures above 20 degrees. But now the scale will increase even further.

Hotter than Spain

– It can be 30 degrees from Arendal in the south and up to Porsgrunn. Places like Kongsberg, Hokksund and Drammen are also potential candidates. Also, it can happen in Østfold, such as Halden, Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad – and as far as Innlandet, says Walstad Ristesund.

– The prevailing high attracted warm air from Central Europe, particularly Greece and eastward. It is warm air from the south that has spread northward, she said.

The temperature can rise from Tuesday, but Wednesday and Thursday in particular will be the hottest, specifies the meteorologist. The thermometer in Oslo may therefore show a higher temperature than some places in Spain.

– There is generally warm air everywhere in Europe. On the Costa Blanca in Spain there is a chance of precipitation and clouds on Tuesday and Wednesday, so in some places in Spain it is a few degrees colder than in Oslo, explains the meteorologist.

– No idea of ​​power

Could be a tropical night

It’s also time for the first tropical night of the year in Oslo this week. For it to be considered a tropical night, it must be over 20 degrees from 8 p.m. in the evening until 8 a.m. the next morning.

– The hot air will also linger at night, if you are lucky it will be less than 20 degrees. But there are possibilities of it becoming unpleasant, so care should be taken. If you have air conditioning, you’re in luck, but in old buildings in Oslo it can be uncomfortable, says Walstad Ristesund, and adds:

– Above 30 degrees, it’s a special day, but if it lasts too long, it starts to affect the night’s sleep, she says.

Ruter’s communications manager comes with an invitation to Oslo residents who like to go swimming.
See more

Change in the North

Despite the fact that it will not be more than 30 degrees and tropical nights in northern Norway, the cold season is over.

– In the north there was a cold period, but that time is over. The high pressure that creates good weather in the south does not have such a significant impact in the north. There will be rain from time to time, but not as heavy as in June. In Troms and Finnmark, the wind can come and go, explains the meteorologist, and adds:

– Further south of Bodø, temperatures will be higher. There will be a slight shift to the north. This is good news for many. It doesn’t look like it’s getting colder anytime soon.

Rocky Maldonado

"Hardcore coffee specialist. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Devoted internetaholic."

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