Canadian sports legends condemn their own country’s IOC support in Russia case

Beckie Scott is one of the athletes behind the letter. Photo: Heiko Junge/NTB.

By NTB | 03/09/2023 11:25:31

Policy: In an open letter, the sports stars, who have all ended their careers, call on the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) to reverse its support for Russian and Belarusian athletes to make it to the Summer Games in as neutral athletes.

“We condemn the COC’s recent statements supporting ‘the exploration of a pathway’ for Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete as ‘neutrals’ at the 2024 Paris Olympics,” the letter reads.

“Opening the door to ‘neutral’ Russian and Belarusian participation…sends the message that the COC is no longer concerned with Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine,” he continues.

The IOC has allowed Russian and Belarusian athletes to participate in the Paris Olympics next year under special conditions, including that they must take place under a neutral flag and without national symbols. This decision provoked strong reactions from many circles.

In February, Norwegian Culture Minister Anette Trettebergstuen (Ap), along with colleagues from 34 other countries, signed a statement asking the IOC to keep the door closed to both nations.

In Wednesday’s letter, however, the 42 Canadian sports stars point out that in Russia “it is illegal to condemn military actions abroad.”

“To deny them participation in international sport is not just a matter of denying athletes a chance to compete because of their own passports, it is a condemnation of an illegal and inhumane war and a recognition of the role that sport international plays in geopolitics”, write the athletes.

Hockey player Hayley Wickenheiser, cross-country skier Beckie Scott and freestyle runner Alex Bilodeau are among the athletes behind the investigation.

Canadian Olympic Committee chief David Shoemaker told CBC Sports last month that Russian and Belarusian athletes must publicly denounce the war in order to gain the neutral status required to compete again.

(© NTB)