Carolina Reaper is the hottest pepper in the world and is not an everyday food with an average of 1.6 million Scoville degrees.
In Sweden, the sturdy little box attracted attention after students bought it to go wild at school.
according to Gothenburg Post Students from Torpskolan allegedly bought the peppers in a store in Lerum, near Gothenburg, and hid them on their classmates’ plates.
– They both tricked others into eating it and hid it in other people’s food in the dining room. They were vomiting in the toilets and had breathing problems, and we had to send home the one who got sick, Janne Olsson, director of Torpskolan, told the newspaper.
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I called the parents
School principal Carolina Lundblad, however, has a different version of what happened.
She says to The Express that it was a few students from a group of friends who had purchased the chili and tested it themselves during recess.
– One of them vomited, so we had to call the student’s parents and he went home, says the principal.

The orchestra on its knees after eating the hottest pepper in the world
Age limit
The store where the chili was purchased was informed of the result anyway and the employees then chose to now introduce an 18-year-old limit, writes Expressen.
The school also spoke to students about the dangers of chili peppers, according to NTB.
For those who are interested – and daring, the Carolina Reaper is described as a fruity and sweet tasting pepper, with a hint of cinnamon and chocolate.
It has an average of 1,641,183 on the so-called SHU scale, which indicates the strength of foods. A jalapeño has between 2,500 and 8,000, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
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