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When everything becomes political, politics also loses its meaning.

Here, Jonas Gahr Støre defies the boycott of his own press chief, Bjørn Dæhli“, could tell us the public channel TV 2 on Sunday, December 20. It was a rather marginal news item, which also assumed that the viewer had a fairly good idea about a number of different topics that are not necessarily news either. It is fundamentally strange how politics and political journalism have reached this level, but it is surely not the only fault of TV 2 or other media.

We’ll talk about that later. Since Minerva probably also has occasional rednecks who don’t spend hours leafing through newspapers and watching every news show on TV, I’ll take the liberty of recapping what the news was about and what he assumed the viewer was getting a glimpse of.

It turned out that Støre, for an interview with TV 2 at Skjennungstua in Nordmarka, had come dressed in the clothes of producer (former superhero) Bjørn Dæhlie. And Dæhli, an entrepreneur whose values ​​are tied to production equipment and other things – as is customary for entrepreneurs, is not a supporter of Norway’s special wealth tax. And that is why he chose to move to Bø in the Vesterålen region, where conservative mayor Sture Pedersen persuaded the city council to reduce the municipal component of the property tax – precisely to attract businessmen like Dæhlie and create jobs. and emigration has been reversed. This reduction has rightly been criticized, mainly as part of the alleged centralization of government and the low profile of the districts.

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Adele Matthews

"Passionate pop cultureaholic. Proud bacon trailblazer. Avid analyst. Certified reader."

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