Dmitry Peskov rejects peace settlement with Ukraine

Nearly 13 months after Putin sent 130,000 Russian troops across the border into Ukraine, Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, extinguishes all hope of a peaceful solution to this bloody conflict.

– So far there are no prerequisites for the transition of the process to a peaceful course, says Peskov, according to the report TASS.

Here you can read all about the war in Ukraine!

This decision comes despite the fact that several heads of state have spoken out to end the Great War in Europe. Even China’s strongman Xi Jinping has called for brokering a peaceful solution.

– Can only be reached by military means

But now there are unmistakable signals from the Kremlin to the exact opposite.

– For us, the absolute priority continues, which will always remain the achievement of the objectives that have been set. At the moment, they can only be reached by military means, the Kremlin spokesman said.

When Peskov was asked about his views on statements by former Munich Security Conference chief Wolfgang Ischinger, who pleaded for the West to think about a peace process in Ukraine and establish a group of contact, Peskov’s response was sparklingly clear.

– No, we don’t.

Almost a year of silence

Ischinger allegedly wrote an article in the newspaper Der Tagesspiegel in which he believed that the West should not force Ukraine to negotiate with Russia, but rather establish a broadly composed group consisting of Britain, Germany, from the United States and France.

Alternatively, he suggested that the UN, EU, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), NATO and a number of countries such as Spain, Canada, Poland and the Baltic States can contribute.

There has been no high-level dialogue between Russia and Ukraine since the first phase of the war.

Video: Ukrainian Air Force shoots down Russian cruise missile

Adele Matthews

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