A 31-year-old woman from Connecticut in the United States went to the emergency room with extreme diarrhea. The woman had lost nine kilos in a month.
This is written by the Jam Press news agency.
When doctors examined her, she had a pulse of 128 beats per minute. Normally this should be between 60 and 100.
The habit revealed
Because the woman’s buttocks were sore, doctors did not examine her intestines. Instead, they decided to do a CT scan of the abdomen.
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There it became very clear what the problems were due to:
The woman had eaten piles of sunflower seeds, which had accumulated in her buttocks in the form of a huge, hard mass.
Bundled ball
The phenomenon is called a besoar and is a ball filled with undigested food, writes Store Medical Lexicon. They write that bezoars can be seen everywhere, but are usually found in the stomach.

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– They occur in particular when the flow is obstructed, for example after operations or healing. Bezoars also have unusual eating habits, such as eating a lot of hair, they write, adding:
– Bezoars rarely cause symptoms on their own, the patient most often comes for examination due to the cause of the bezoar formation.
Put under anesthesia
The case is mentioned in the medical journal Cureus. Doctors who treated the woman concluded that her condition was caused by excessive consumption of sunflower seeds.
The woman was placed under anesthesia and the hard mass made of sunflower seeds was removed via colonoscopy.

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A colonoscopy is an examination of the interior of the large intestine along its entire length and possibly also of smaller parts of the adjacent small intestine, depending on The pocket doctor. The exam is performed by inserting a camera attached to a flexible tube into the large intestine via the rectal opening.
The 31-year-old is now on a high-fiber diet and is clearly prohibited from eating any more sunflower seeds.
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