FRP leader resigns after disability disclosure

Leif Willy Eriksen resigns as leader of the Progressive Party (Frp) in Fredrikstad after it was revealed that he had parked illegally with his wife’s disability certificate.

– I’m really sorry for what I did. I have great respect for both the municipality and the residents and I sincerely apologize for what happened, says Eriksen Fredriksstad Blad.

It happens after that Dagbladet On Sunday, he noticed that on several occasions he had illegally used his wife’s disability certificate when parking.

On Sunday, Leif Willy Eriksen admitted to Dagbladet that he used his wife’s disability certificate to park in violation of the rules. He now resigns from his position as leader of the Frp in Fredrikstad. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB

According to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, it is prohibited to use the parking permit for anyone other than the person for whom it is intended. The certificate gives, among other things, the right to park for free where others have to pay.

Apart from the fact that he is now leaving his position as Frp leader in Fredrikstad after 30 years, Eriksen states that he has submitted the proof to the parking agency.

He adds that he was not pressured by the party to resign and that it was a decision he made on his own.

Rocky Maldonado

"Hardcore coffee specialist. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Devoted internetaholic."

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