How to give birth, it’s not in the United States

How to give birth, it’s not in the United States

The United States leads in many fields, including technology, pharmaceuticals and medicine, but it turns out that it cannot reach everyone with health care.

Federal figures for 2021 just released indicate that it was the worst year in US history for maternal mortality. More than 1,200 pregnant women died there during childbirth or up to 42 days after giving birth. It’s 40 percent. more than the previous year, the most in 60 years, and more than ten times more than in other developed countries like Australia, Austria, Israel, Japan, Spain. The Wall Street Journal describes the United States as “the most dangerous country for the rich to have children”.

Maternal mortality increases across all age groups and demographics in 2021, with black American women outnumbering white women by twice.

The World Health Organization estimates that the average maternal mortality rate in rich countries is 12 per 100,000, while in poor countries it is 430 per 100,000. Two or three pregnant women die per 100,000 , in France, Great Britain and Canada 10-11. The United States is far from its norm, with almost 33 women per 100,000. Moreover, between 2000 and 2020 in these countries the death rate among pregnant women has decreased, and in America it has increased by 78 %.

“The United States does not fare well in this comparison. But there’s no reason the situation should be so bad, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics expert Donna Hoyert said in an NPR radio interview. It turns out that 84 percent. these pregnancy-related deaths were preventable.

Chelsea Glisson

"Devoted reader. Thinker. Proud food specialist. Evil internet scholar. Bacon practitioner."

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