Beki Reily (34) from London was left with a life-threatening tear in her gut and uterus after a botched operation in the summer of 2021.
If she had been a few years older or had an underlying health condition, she wouldn’t have survived.
She says so in an interview with the South Wales News Service (SWNS) news agency, quoted among others by the British morning paper Daily mail.
Had sore throat – became seriously ill
stapled together
Reily wanted to have the IUD removed, but woke up in the intensive care unit with her stomach stapled together.
A hormonal coil is a long-acting contraceptive that is placed inside the uterine cavity, according to Norwegian health informatics (INSA).
Four attempts were made to remove the woman’s IUD using forceps, as the IUD strings were missing.

– Was smothered from the inside
Had great pain
At her first appointment at the local Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust health center in England, staff made three unsuccessful attempts to remove the IUD.
On her second appointment, she was given local anesthesia, but this time the doctor was also unable to remove the coil.
Reily agreed to a fifth attempt, but when she complained of severe pain she stopped the procedure.
– The doctor had only tried for a few minutes when I felt an unbearable pain inside of me. Panicked, I asked him to stop.
The 34-year-old says she has never felt such pain before and was extremely upset.
Couldn’t stand straight
Within hours of the procedure, Reily was in such intense pain that she was unable to stand – and started vomiting uncontrollably, she claims.
She was therefore admitted to hospital on July 9 when the GP assumed she might have an infection.
The woman underwent surgery on July 12 to permanently remove the IUD, but during the procedure doctors discovered her uterus and bowel had been perforated.
An IUD can perforate, i.e. penetrate the uterine wall and come out into the pelvis, depending on great medical encyclopedia (SML)

– I was surprised
Underwent emergency surgery
The 34-year-old underwent emergency surgery to repair the tear and spent eight days in hospital with limited mobility.
– I woke up in the intensive care unit with my whole stomach stapled. I had tubes coming out of my nose and my stomach, she says and continues:
– I burst into tears because what was supposed to be a routine removal of the hormonal IUD ended up being an emergency operation. It traumatized me.

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Her local health center admitted the mistake and apologized for not using the forceps carefully, which caused tears in her uterus and intestines.
A year after the incident, the woman also had to undergo another operation to repair the umbilical hernia and muscle separation.
– I don’t have a navel anymore. I look like an alien.
according INSA An umbilical hernia can cause nausea and vomiting, and if the umbilical hernia turns into a trapped hernia, it needs surgery.
Riley is now afraid that what happened to her will affect her chances of starting a family in the future.
“Hardcore coffee specialist. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Devoted internetaholic.”