Queen Elizabeth: – Wrote “secret” letters

The UK has been in turmoil these days, after being declared in mourning last week after the death of Queen Elizabeth II. She died last Thursday at the age of 96.

Until the funeral on Monday, September 19, the late monarch will be honored with services and commemorations. At the same time, individuals lay flowers and other decorations, and many remember special moments during his 70 years on the throne.

One moment that perhaps stands out a little is when Sydney – one of Australia’s largest cities – received a very special letter from the Queen.

Can not be opened

Queen Elizabeth was not only the monarch of Great Britain, she was also the head of state for Commonwealth nations across the world. Among those who see the British throne as the head of state in their own country is Australia.

It is also likely one of the reasons why a letter from Queen Elizabeth is stored in Sydney – which cannot be opened.

ENGLAND: King Charles thanks for condolences following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth II. Video: Reuters
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according to New York Post was the letter written during the Queen’s visit to the country in 1986 – with strict instructions as to when it should be opened.

The letter has been stored in the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney for 36 years, and according to the instructions written on the envelope – and signed by the Queen herself – it should not be opened until the year 2085.

The exact opening date is up to the city itself, but the Queen is appealing: “Please open this envelope and deliver my message to the people of Sydney.”

No one knows the contents of the letter, not even his closest employees, the website writes.

Now he’s king

Just two days after Queen Elizabeth’s death, her eldest son Charles (73) was officially named king. Thus, Great Britain, and Commonwealth countries like Australia and Canada, received a new head of state.

The moment was historic, because it was first time in history such an appointment was televised. The day before the meeting spoke the new king to bereaved people.

OFFICIAL: King Charles III was officially proclaimed on Saturday September 10.
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– We deeply mourn his passing and his promise of lifelong service, which I renew to all of you today. We owe him the deepest sympathy and respect for his love. She combines those qualities with warmth, humor and always seeing the best in people, he said in the speech, which was also televised.

In conclusion became King Charles himself – and spoke directly to his late mother.

– To my dear “Mom”, as you begin your last great journey to find our late “Dad”, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for your love and devotion to our family and the family of nations, which you have served so diligently.

Rocky Maldonado

"Hardcore coffee specialist. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Devoted internetaholic."

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