Ragnar Kokkvoll has lived in Røros since 1956, but his ancestry in the municipality dates back to 1672. People like to know him as a physiotherapist, a job he has been doing here since 1973. He is also an author and has a passionate commitment. to local history. Among other things, he has published books on topics of Norwegian women’s history and the history of emigration to Canada, and is an active speaker on local history topics. Photo: Vegar Moen.
History that has not been illuminated before
Since 2009, Ragnar has researched and written about parts of Røros history that have not been particularly shed light on by previous publications. This applies primarily to social history, labor history and the rise of our modern democracy, with the formation of political parties and the right to vote and elections. Overall, he focused on the period between 1850 and 1920, a time when public education and democratization are important keywords.
wants to publish a book
Thanks to his work of collecting international, national and also local sources, he laid the foundations for a book publication. With the book, Ragnar wants to transmit knowledge about our past, especially with the aim of reaching young readers. In this context, Ragnar Kokkvoll receives the Bergstad scholarship this year. Since this year, the Bergstad grant has been increased to NOK 25,000.
Learn more about the Bergstad scholarship here.