Only China imports more polar bear skins than Norway. Storting representative Arne Nævra of SV wants to put an end to it.
Each year, the native population of Canada is allowed to hunt a quota of 600 polar bears. Here hangs a skin from Kulusuk in eastern Greenland.
The Scientific Committee for Food and the Environment (VKM), commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency, has assessed the risk to the polar bear population from the import of Norwegian fur, writes Class struggle.
– We cannot exclude that the international trade in polar bears from Canada could threaten the survival of the species, says Eli K. Rueness, university leader of the survey.
Nævra in SV believes that this finding should lead to a halt in Norwegian imports.
– The scientific committee’s conclusion supports what many of us have long claimed that imports of polar bear skins come from unsustainable hunting and declining populations, he tells the newspaper.
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Before, we hunted the fur coat. The hunt for the perfect photo is now on.
Arne Nævra (SV) believes that the import of polar bear skins into Norway should be stopped.
Souvenirs in Svalbard
Importation into Norway is not illegal, but questions arise as to the sustainability of hunting in Canada. Each year, the native population of the country is allowed to kill a quota of 600 animals.
Skins from Canada are sold as souvenirs in Svalbard for between 100,000 and 200,000 NOK, writes Klassekampen.
China imports 72 percent of all leather in the world.
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