A small part of the turnover in Norway is made by cash payment. It is the result of intense policies and measures aimed at limiting the use of cash and our human need for convenience. There are many good reasons to be active in silver conservation. Cash payment guarantees 100% payment to the recipient and confidentiality for the payer.
The impression is that the majority of the public has not given much thought to the consequences of dropping cash, although it has probably been useful – for those who have cash – in the recent instances of payment center unavailability. banks. Consequence analysis can be helpful.
We have already seen concrete examples where banks and payment platforms close accounts, seize funds and punish people whose opinions they no longer accept. The Canadian regime did it, and Prime Minister Trudeau faced no criticism from Western colleagues for this assault on Canadian citizens.
Just as funds “in the bank” can disappear or be outright stolen by the bank or those in power, conditions can be set on digital means of payment at the push of a button. An expiration date can be set so that you cannot save, the rationing of meat, gasoline and other energy carriers, for example, will not let each individual decide for himself on the basis of the “climate crisis” and the “green shift”.
Digital means of payment can be programmed to only work within a certain radius, as it is “climate unfriendly” to travel “too much”.
In “smart cities”, 100% surveillance is expected. Surveillance always leads to more control and detailed management.
With digital payment, everything you do will be tracked.
Yes, so what will you say?
Data collection is not something that is done to help us, but to make the treadmill shorter and shorter. If you’re not allowed to buy bread because you’re too loud on social media, chances are you’ll calm down. We have already seen many cases of coordinated campaigns leading to the loss of jobs, contracts and income for having “wrong” opinions. I have experienced it myself. In a world where the means of payment are exclusively digital, it will be difficult to really control speech and actions.
“You don’t want to eat bugs?” Too bad for you, it’s the only thing you can buy with your card until the next recharge.”
One active step we can all take is to use cash as much as possible. If you encounter resistance or are denied a trade, know that you have the law on your side. For so long.
Read on steigan.no about the money
The enhanced right to pay cash is now put out for consultation by the government with an amendment that reads:
Consultation – strengthening the right of consumers to pay in cash – changing the rules of the law on financial agreements for the settlement of payments.
Feel free to type in the consultation responses – and read on the consultation protocol [12 sider]