Tough against Erik Solheim

Frp believes KrF’s proposal to ask StatoilHydro to withdraw from Canadian oil sands reveals a lot of chatterboxes within the government.

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“Environment Minister Solheim and his party will appear as political commentators without the will and ability to translate their rhetoric into practical policy,” Ketil Solvik-Olsen, FRP’s energy policy spokesperson, said in a party press release.

KrF will present a proposal to the Storting that the government support Greenpeace’s proposal to withdraw StatoilHydro from the Canadian oil sands project. The issue will be discussed at the company’s general meeting on Tuesday.

According to the FRP, the government will probably vote blank.

Distrust of the board of directors?

The FRP believes that KrF’s proposal implies a lack of confidence in the StatoilHydro board and will not support the proposal. Solvik-Olsen demonstrates that StatoilHydro complies with the law in Canada. It is nevertheless satisfied with KrF’s proposal.

— The proposal forces red-green politicians to show whether they will use political power to do what they say, or whether they will simply end up as political commentators.

Solvik-Olsen expects the proposal to be rejected. He hopes that both red and green politicians will now learn from the revealed double communication.

— For four years, red-green politicians have been criticizing the decisions of the boards of directors of many state-owned companies. We must put an end to this. Either you trust a board of directors and let it do its job, or you replace the board of directors. No one benefits from politicians sitting on the fence, without responsibility or obligations, and criticizing decisions of the board of directors that they do not like.

Solheim Brawler

Solvik-Olsen believes that the government’s double reporting on environmental issues is frequent and embarrassing. He refers in particular to the Minister of Environmental Protection, Solheim.

— Solheim was vocal in front of the media at the SV national meeting and raised serious questions about the tar sands project. But the KrF proposal will show that SV has become a talking point within the government.

– Similarly, SV speaks out in the media against oil operations in Norway, but it was Solheim who presented the government’s Goliath proposal to the Storting. And on the same day that Solheim supported the Church’s fight for a five-year moratorium on new oil activities in Norway, Solheim was correspondingly pleased that Ghana was now starting its oil adventure. This is hypocrisy.


Adele Matthews

"Passionate pop cultureaholic. Proud bacon trailblazer. Avid analyst. Certified reader."

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