České volejbalistky podlehly v předposledním utkání neúspěšné olympijské kvalifikace Ukrajinkám 1:3. It should not be expected that Ning-po zápasem proti Kanadě vylepšit dosavadní balanceci dvítězství a čtyř porážek.
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Volejbalistky na mistrovství světa Czech | Photo: Marek Pirner | Zdroj: Czech representative of Volejbaová
The Czech representative set up at 25:12, but was content to be supperky with his validation test and preparation. Now it’s time to start 16 years later by Helena Havelková. Ukraine was openly involved in the transition between Jannise Athanasopulose and the osmifinále evropského šampionátu champion.
Volejbalistky prohrály druhý kvalifikační duel, v boji o účast na olympiádě podlehly Číně
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“I think I’m going to have a good time with you. However, they weren’t mentally strong enough to be afraid of the system and the Ukrainians weren’t interested in long-term motivations. Pak už jsme na ně nedokázaly zareagovat . Opravdu jsme se zhoršili, přestali bon podávat et help Ukraine vyhrát. They served with aggressive behavior and we did not know each other, because they did not have the same spirit. Ukrajina si vítězství zasloužila,“ řekl kouč Athanasopulos v tiskové zpravě svazu k vyrovnané koncovce druhé sady.
Ukraine’s domination from the second set
The following two sets are played in the Czech Republic, with this clear division: 6:25 p.m. and 3:25 p.m. “It was a terrible mistake. Ukraine is there for us and we are currently facing problems. The flow of the high ball was very good and the situation was difficult,” said captain Michaela Mlejnková.
“I plan to work on the service. “The Ukrainians didn’t have a good idea and we dressed them well,” said Ela Koulisiani, who this time took care of the 12th Czech Republic.
Poslední soupř českých volejbalistek Canada beat Mexico 3:0 and won the competition, with toho třetí za sebou. “I would like to gather enough strength, because Canada is a cornerstone. Samozřejmě, že jsou we tom všichni stejně and všichni už have little strength, but we have to semknout, zabojovat. I would really like to finish this tournament on a good grade,” said Kapitánka Mlejnková.
At the Olympics, his postoupí just won two clusters of osmičlenné.
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