Clothes are hung up, shoes are shined and shirts are ironed. Norway’s National Day is fast approaching and there is, as always, great excitement about the weather on the big day.
But according to Eldbjørg Moxnes, state meteorologist at the Meteorological Institute, it’s still a bit uncertain how the weather will develop during the day.
This is why Oslo prohibits
In some parts of the country, the sun will be high in the sky, while others will likely have to make do with clouds, rain and maybe even sleet in some places.
– During this weekend there are high pressures and high temperatures in large parts of eastern Norway, but next week it looks like low pressures will take over. Mainly, it looks like there could be precipitation in multiple places, Moxnes says.
– unlucky
She points out that the weather can change throughout the day and the sun can eventually appear.
– There is the most precipitation on the night of May 17 and there is no guarantee that there will be complete rest in several places in eastern Norway throughout the day. There is a somewhat unfortunate wind direction that day, says the meteorologist.
Although there may be rain in several places in eastern Norway, Moxnes points out that spring temperatures are not at risk.
– Temperatures in May will be good. It will probably rain in eastern Norway, but it will still be up to 13-14 degrees, she says.

Summer heat is coming
It’s hot in here
While people in eastern Norway should probably find their umbrella on the way to breakfast on May 17, in western Norway and Trøndelag you can enjoy the sun.
– The weather in western Norway and in Trøndelag is better during the day, as the forecast is currently doing, she says.
In western Norway, it can approach up to 20 degrees on the national holiday, explains the meteorologist.

Weather change: – Recovery in central Norway
– It’s still a bit exciting, said Moxnes.
Especially in southern and northern Norway there is still tension over the weather.
– In southern Norway there is a chance of precipitation in some places, but the further east you are, the greater the chance of precipitation, explains the meteorologist.
And in northern Norway, the weather and temperatures can vary.
– It is not certain that there is sleet in certain places in the North. If you are a little unlucky you may have sleet on May 17, otherwise it will be sunny. Based on current forecasts, it looks like the rains will end before May 17th.
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