The dish goes viral: – No!?

What and how people eat has become a much broader area of ​​interest than one might think. In recent years, showcasing most people’s breakfast plates and bowls has become a sport, both on Twitter and Facebook. Gets hot Dagbladet himself

Curling Canada | New tips for old dogs!

Ben Hébert turns to Marc Kennedy during an online call during the 2023 PointsBet Invitational on Thursday evening. (Photo, Curling Canada/Michael Burns) Facebook Twitter E-mail Team Bottcher soaks up new information at PointsBet Invitational Ben Hébert and Marc Kennedy are

Three brothers working for sport

Un seltenes Ereignis im Leben der Familie Quinn in Zumikon: Alle trois Jungs und die Eltern sind zuhause vereint. “Das kommt selten vor,” said Benjamin. “Das stimmt”, pflichtet Jonathan ihm bei. Nikolas said: “Wir sind normalerweise häufiger in der Eishalle