Category: Bulletins

A beautiful Easter weather in prospect

Are you planning to go skiing or sunbathing by the cabin wall at Easter? Then you’re in luck, because meteorologists predict high temperatures and little wind this week. March brought snow, freezing temperatures and bad weather for Norwegians across the

Denim shorts command attention

Online clothing retailer Shein has come up with a rather special type of clothing. Although the garment is advertised as shorts, it looks more like panties. The odd denim “shorts” have two buttons, belt loops and a leather patch on

You have more than 100,000 in the account

Frank Erdal from Åsane had a big surprise when he checked online banking this morning: – I immediately realized that something was wrong. Many, many small sums have arrived in the account. In total, the amount is in the six

Warns against potentially deadly shortcuts

BERGEN (Dagbladet): – It’s probably not bad will, but a healthy recall could be in order. If you have “always” walked in the lane, or “only” crossed on rare occasions, after taking a good look, sooner or later something could

The fear is back

They thought it had stopped. But now it turns out that the people of Daisetta, Texas were completely wrong. The sinkhole, which for 15 years had been in a kind of hibernation, has started to grow again. – It would

The War in Ukraine – British Intelligence:

The British intelligence services estimate that the abuse of alcohol causes significant damage to the Russian army in Ukraine. So writes the British Ministry of Defense in a recent intelligence report. Here, reference is made to a Russian news channel