After the last concert ended on Friday evening, Karen Frantzen (18) and a friend from the Stavern Festival returned to the campsite. A man, who she said was in his twenties, joined the women and walked beside them.
– After a while, he mumbled something indistinct. What?, I asked, then he said, “Can I come to you?” Karen said to Dagbladet.
She and her friend looked at the man in horror.
– Then we see that he’s walking next to us and that he’s shaking, said Karen.
She says she got angry and shouted loudly “What is wrong with you?”. Then the man had to apologize, turn around and go back to the festival.
Blotter investigator: – The girls filmed it
– Turn off
Karen estimates the man was around 25 and had a shaved head.
– We were completely pissed, so we couldn’t do anything but shout “What’s wrong with you”. But we should have called someone else to stop him, Karen thought now in retrospect.
The Stavern Festival in Vestfold and Telemark brought together around 60,000 festival-goers this year and attempted names such as Kygo, Postgirobygget, Dagny, Karpe and Tiësto.
Fortunately, neither Karen nor her friend were scared by the incident.
MANY PEOPLE: The Stavern Festival brought together 60,000 festival-goers this year. Photo: Stavernfestivalen / Ticketmaster
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On Saturday morning, Sør-East Police District reported that a male blotter had been seen at the Stavern Festival. On Saturday evening, a man in his twenties was arrested on suspicion of having been exposed.
Motion carried
Operations manager Marianne Mørk of the Sør-East police district told Dagbladet on Saturday that there are guards in the festival area who have received reports of several episodes of nudity.
– Security guards received reports that this happened in several places inside the festival area, says Mørk.
The suspect was arrested on Saturday. On Sunday, operations manager Mørk can say the man has been questioned and has accepted a fine of NOK 12,000. The man has now been released.
Karen Frantzen does not know if it is the same man that she and her friend supported, who is today in police custody.
ENJOYED DESPITE IT ALL: Karen Frantzen (18) says that despite the naked episode, they had a blast at the festival. Forum: Private
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On Saturday, Karen reported the naked episode to festival security.
– I thought about reporting it to the police too, but I learned that they weren’t open until Monday, she said.
The 18-year-old says luckily things went well for her and her friend after the incident. They managed to have more fun at the festival.
“Hardcore coffee specialist. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Devoted internetaholic.”