While some want to banish ChatGPT and artificial intelligence, others believe that you have to let go of everything and then adapt as you learn. Both are both dangerous and wrong, of which the evolution of the internet and social media should be a living example. Fortunately, the EU has now started to put in place the necessary regulations, so that personal information and protection are properly protected.
And now that almost everyone is on the internet, everyone uses one or more social networks, and almost everyone connects to the web using 4 and 5G on their smartphone, it becomes more important than ever to not not fall behind on how artificial intelligence and all its applications and services will influence and change the way we live, play, learn and work.
The only correct way to deal with such transformative technology, technological development that permeates all of life and business, is through sensible regulations that ensure ethically and morally sound development of artificial intelligence that is both responsible, safe and sustainable.
Here are nine examples of why I believe our authorities should be proactive and establish sensible regulations for responsible, safe and sustainable ethical artificial intelligence development.
- The development of artificial intelligence should include ethical guidelines to prevent technology from harming or discriminating.
- In order to prevent AI from harming or discriminating, we should also put in place regulations on how AI developers trials their solutions.
- Discrimination is also a broad area. What is considered discriminatory in one country does not necessarily have to be discriminatory in another. Regulations on how to do tests to reveal preferences, bias, prejudice and more, must also be established.
- Artificial intelligence systems should be open and transparentso that we know exactly why they do what they do and that we can easily identify and correct errors or shortcomings.
- Companies and individuals who develop artificial intelligence solutions must be easily identifiable and To be held accountable for any damage, discrimination or breach.
- We should have regulations in place that clearly state how the storage, processing and sharing of data that artificial intelligence uses to train and learn must be managed securely in order to protect privacy.
- Artificial intelligence depends on data to learn, and therefore regulations related to it should also be put in place marketing and advertising of artificial intelligence services, to prevent us from being deceived by actors providing us with information and personal data that we do not understand or know what they are used for.
- For a sustainable development of artificial intelligence, it is also necessary financial responsibility regulated. Because if technology and artificial intelligence can be the answer to many challenges, they also often have consequences. Artificial intelligence will result in financial gain for some, but financial loss for others.
- Artificial intelligence services consume electricity. Some more than others. Therefore, we should also aim to put in place regulations that set size requirements environmental footprint the individual artificial intelligence service may have. In addition, it should be possible to regulate energy consumption, so that it does not come at the expense of more socially critical and energy-intensive tasks.
The future will increasingly be characterized by technology and artificial intelligence – a future where artificial intelligence coexists with our human intelligence. In the same way that we have established rules, both legal, ethical, moral and sensible, we will undoubtedly be better served by putting in place good regulations to ensure responsible, safe and sustainable development of artificial intelligence. .
If we allow developers to develop AI on their own terms, regulatory work afterwards may soon be too late. When technology development happens on an exponential scale, it is no longer enough to plan for the best. We must also prepare for the worst.