Thinks of having contact with the dead – NRK Culture and entertainment

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On the “Across Canada” expedition, things could have gone wrong for Lars Monsen.

A polar bear tried to break into the small cabin where Monsen was staying. This experienced wilderness man’s heart was almost in his throat, for it was only seconds before the bear entered the cabin.

– And then it gets to you if you don’t do anything. When I realized this, I became completely cold and calm. The pulse dropped and I was breathing heavily. I got help from the other side and fired a shot from a meter and a half away, and the bear was there. It had to be done, Monsen said.

It is as a guest of Nadia Hasnaoui in the series of portraits “Litt av et liv” that Monsen, who according to his partner Trine Rein does not really like journalists, really opens up.

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In the back from the left we find best friend Trond Strømdahl, roommate Trine Rein, presenter Nadia Hasnaoui, brother Jan Monsen, Bjørn Dæhlie and editor-in-chief of Villmarksliv magazine Dag Kjelsås. Lars Monsen sits up front with Luna Emilie Vestby and Tare Taksum, both big fans of the desert man.

Photo: Ole Kaland / NRK

Contact with his deceased mother

By “the other side,” Monsen means the helpers he thinks he has, either people he loves or others who have been in the area where he finds himself.

The adventurer’s mother and brother died within a year of each other before he left for the long journey to Canada.

He is convinced that his mother in particular accompanied him on the trip.

– I often spoke to my mother. I loved my mother very much and she was spiritual; interested in these things. She opened this window for me, without me perhaps giving her much of an answer at the time. These are things that have evolved over time, Monsen explains to presenter Nadia Hasnaoui.

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No boundaries

Lars Monsen with the band “Ingen Grenser”. This summer, Monsen is going on a trip again with new travel companions.

Photo: Geir Evensen / NRK

– Already lived a life

When asked if he thinks one can learn to contact the dead, or if there is anyone who possesses this ability, Monsen responds as follows:

– I think everyone has it in them. There are a lot of skeptics, and that’s fine. What is good for one person is not good for another, he explains.

He believes that nature has a lot to say about contact with the other side.

– We become so lethargic in the world we live in. We are losing contact with nature. When we lose it, we become lethargic. And then we close the door on the other side, says Lars Monsen.

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Lars Monsen

Lars Monsen as we usually see him – on tour. Here with his hiking companion Kayaq.

Photo: Fridtjof Kjæreng

– Lots of cognac

On Saturday’s show, Tare Teksum will also be in the studio to talk about his relationship with Lars Monsen.

Teksum was in the first edition of the reality TV series “Ingen Grenser”, where Monsen was the tour guide. The series was a great success on NRK and Teksum was given a whole new life.

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Lars and Tare

Lars Monsen and Tare Teksum became friends after traveling together. – Lars was good at challenging us. Not commanding, but rather asking if we wanted to try, Teksum said.

Photo: Geir Evensen / NRK

– Lars Monsen means a lot to me. Before, I stayed indoors a lot and didn’t have any friends. My life has completely changed, now I even have my own business, says Teksum.

He also discusses the weak side of the tour guide.

– He’s a little too generous when he offers me cognac. Then he blows and shouts toast, old lady!

03/19/2011, at 12:15 p.m.

Alice Williamson

"Explorer. Food advocate. Analyst. Freelance bacon practitioner. Future teen idol. Proud pop culture expert."

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