What exciting documentaries are on TV today? Find out in our documentary tips for Monday today. Watch documentaries with Monika Müksch and enjoy the pleasant moment.
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Looking for free TV today, Monday? From 4 p.m. you can expect big personalities like Monika Müksch on TV. Sit down and you will see. Here are our documentary recommendations:
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Documentary: “Norway – Orcs on the track” (4 p.m. at Arte)
Didier Noirot was part of the crew of legendary ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau. The award-winning cameraman has been tracking whales for many years. He managed to film the largest gathering of killer whales in the world while hunting herring. Uninvited guests had also joined this party: the humpback whales, which no longer found enough food in the open sea.
This documentary on Arte lasts 55 minutes.
Documentary: “Canada – The Glow of the Arctic” (4:55 p.m. on Arte)
Painter Cory Trépanier is fascinated by the Canadian Arctic. To capture impressions for a new exhibition, he repeatedly traveled to nature for nine weeks and discovered how climate change affects nature. Along the way, Cory encountered polar bears and wolves, spoke to locals, and followed in the footsteps of British explorers John Rae and John Franklin.
This documentary on Arte lasts 55 minutes.
Country portrait: “Adventure in Spain” (5 p.m. on 3 sat)
The Mediterranean coast of Spain is diverse: In the north, the Costa Brava presents itself with bizarre rock formations, but the interior also has a lot to offer: Vines thrive on the slopes of the Priorat. Further south, the village of Chulilla is the starting point for climbers from all over the world. Orange stands in the center of nearby Valencia, and rice paddies surround the Ebro estuary.
This rural portrait on 3sat lasts 45 minutes.
Documentary series: “Corsica – desert between snow and sand” with Monika Müksch (8:15 p.m. on 3sat)
flying pigs? The fauna of Corsica is very particular. At first glance, Corsica appears like a gentle Mediterranean island with wide sandy beaches, but towering cliffs rise just behind. Extreme climatic conditions are not uncommon in “Mountains to the Sea”: extreme drought, heavy rains, forest fires or sudden winter punctuate the rhythm.
This documentary series by Heike Grebe with Monika Müksch as narrator promises 45 minutes of entertainment.
If you are looking for more exciting current movies, series or sports shows in the TV schedule, you will find a variety of TV recommendations in our TV news section.
Data from the FUNKE media group television programs was used to create this article. If you have any comments or comments, please contact [email protected].
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