Author: Rocky Maldonado

"Hardcore coffee specialist. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Devoted internetaholic."

Eurovision: Let the people decide!

Even those of us who deal with very serious matters daily can have hobbies. This is a discussion post. Any opinion expressed in the text is the responsibility of the author. If you want to join the debate, you can

Sound the alarm: – Extreme

– There are more Pacific oysters than before. The amount is extreme, says Fredrik Myhre, head of the ocean team at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), in Dagbladet. Myhre explains that rising sea temperatures are part of the

I thought she was pregnant

A Colombian woman from the city of Uribia left for several months thinking she was pregnant. However, after a visit to the doctor, the 31-year-old received the shocking news. This is written by the Jam Press news agency. When she