Author: Darell Ferguson

"Tv guru. Analyst. Lifelong alcohol junkie. Friendly bacon specialist. Twitter nerd."

memories | Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association Nino Berdzouli, Measuring and understanding maternal mortality in Georgia. Recipes from the Department of Clinical Medicine. Debate 4/29/2022. Judging committee: Jette Led Sørensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Lill Trine Nyfløt, Drammen Hospital and Oslo University Hospital, and Per Ole

Opinions: Nature has become my salvation

Nature helped me enormously when my psyche was at its worst. That’s why I encourage everyone who inspires outdoor living. TAKE NATURE TO USE: “I have become more resilient in the face of daily challenges,” writes Hans-Petter Nygård-Hansen. Photo: Private

Abuse must be investigated – NRK Sápmi

In Canada, a separate Inuit subcommission will now be created to complement the truth and reconciliation commission created last year. The Inuit subcommittee will investigate the treatment of the approximately 5,000 Inuit children who were removed from their homes and

The 10 best countries to live in as you get older

Do you think Norway is at the top of the list? (PAGE 2):“World AgeWatch 2015” classifies countries according to the situation of elderly people in the population. The report was produced, among others, by the interest group HelpAge International. The

Better to be kind –

The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE at the end of December 2012. At the top of the list of what parents want for their children is that they be happy, behave well, and be liked. Not only