April hires two new communication consultants

Becomes stronger in politics. Theodor Barndon Helland (28) and Helena Haldorsen (23) both started on August 15 as communications advisers in the Bergen office. April PR reports this in a press release. Helland comes from the post of political scientist

Good Morning Naug getting ready for design

Sourced from SMFB and Sweden: – Provides the expertise and magic to make jobs shine. At Nedre Vollgate 5, agency director Helen Selberg Johansen is delighted with the two new hires of Daniel Blaker and Marcus Strömberg. – The most

Indians occupy Norwegian farms in Canada

Marine Harvest and Cermaq farming facilities are accused of poisoning wild salmon in the area. The natives of the area are now demanding that businesses pack up and leave. Photo: Alexandra Morton Two livestock facilities in the Canadian province of