After the truckers left the border town of Coutts in the province of Alberta, it was not until Emerson in Manitoba, which borders the state of North Dakota in the United States, that there were still disruptions at the border
Siri Gulliksen Tømmerbakke and Guro Kulset Merakerås Published: 2022-06-10 — 14.16 (Updated: 2022-06-16 — 09.50) The case has been updated with information on conflicts of interest Doctors at Øya Medical Center are concerned about the poor functioning of the medical
Silver medalists Pyongyang lost the play-off to the Slovaks 0:4. The Czechs were also eliminated, who lost 2:4 to the Swiss. The Slovaks, who beat the Polish national team in the qualifying tournament for the Olympics, first put on an
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