Carlsen in the final of the Champions Chess Tour tournament – conquered a great German talent

The Norwegian drew the first two games, before winning the last two.

Carlsen meets India’s Arjun Erigais in the online tournament final. It is played over two days, Saturday and Sunday.

– I have to focus on myself. If I play at my best, I win the match, but if I fall a bit like yesterday, it will be very exciting, Carlsen told TV 2 about the final.

– He was strong

Carlsen’s opponent Keymer started promisingly in the opener, and the Norwegian had to struggle to a draw with white pieces.

The German chess talent had more problems with time pressure, which meant that Carlsen (black pieces) played with a slightly higher risk. This created some tension in the final game, but it ended in another draw.

– Overall, it was mostly positive from Magnus. It felt solid and didn’t feel any pressure in the opening. Keymer showed uncertainty by spending far too long, TV 2 chess expert Jon Ludvig Hammer said of the match.


The third game was a long affair with a total of 93 moves. Carlsen had good control at times in Game 3, but missed it several times. Nevertheless, he found his way to victory and took the lead.

Despite the Norwegian chess star winning the game, he shook his head in frustration when the game ended.

– He’s disappointed in his own ability to not be able to lead good positions to victory, Hammer said of the long game.

– A lot was decided in the third game. It was good to win, but there were no highs. I missed twice, said Carlsen.


Keymer got off to a bad start with white pieces in game four. This means Carlsen won after 41 moves.

The Julius Baer Generation Cup is the seventh Champions Chess Tour tournament of the year. Carlsen won three.

There could be a fourth over the weekend.

Chelsea Glisson

"Devoted reader. Thinker. Proud food specialist. Evil internet scholar. Bacon practitioner."

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