Danish shock at the Ice Hockey World Cup – inflicted another sensational defeat on Canada – Dagsavisen

The World Cup success was the Canadian stars’ second straight. In the previous match, Switzerland was too strong with 6-3. Denmark, for their part, took the fourth victory of the championship.

The Danes went straight down Canada’s throat in Monday’s game. The opening period was barely half over when Malmö player Markus Lauridsen took the lead after preparation by Matthias Asperup and Morten Poulsen.

With just under five minutes remaining before the first break, Swiss professional Peter Regin doubled the lead and made the first half a grim experience for Canada.

First time

The second half, however, only lasted two minutes when Max Comtois cut for the Canadians. However, this was never the start of a turnaround operation.

In the third period, Mathias Bau Hansen scored the 3-1 goal for Denmark, then it didn’t help that Canada cut New Jersey Devils player Ryan Graves to 3-2 and pushed to tie in the last minutes of the match. .

This is the first time that Denmark has beaten Canada in a World Cup context.

Victory may still prove insignificant in the battle for quarter-final places. On Tuesday, the Danes complete the opening game against Slovakia. In case of defeat, the Slovaks will sneak past each other. At the same time, a Danish point is for promotion.

Italy and Great Britain retreat

Canada also have the same number of points as Denmark heading into the final round, but are expected to beat France in their final game.

Markus Lauridsen was named Denmark’s best player in Monday’s game. Ryan Graves received the Grandmaster Award in the Canadian team.

While there were Danish cheers in Finland on Monday, it was also a difficult day for nations other than Canada. Italy smoked 2-5 for Kazakhstan and can no longer hold their place in World Cup A. The same goes for Great Britain after the 3-5 loss to Austria.

Alec Dittman

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