Fernandezová hrála neskutečný tennis, shodli se Pála s Vondroušovou – ČT sport – Česká televize

“Hrála neskutečný tennis. Her match was really good from a team point of view. I think she played very well,” Vondroušová said after winning 2:6, 6:2 and 3:6.

Sokolova’s maintenance service has never been better or better. Fernandezová can prolomila její will serve třikrát a ujala se vedení. “Ultimately, as it would be pak odhrávalo, but she mě with začátku hrozně tlačila. Potřebovala jsem si zvyknout a najít věci, které budou fungovat. De druhého setu jsem se jsvedla a třetí was podle měl dost smoln ý,” a -t- she adds.

At the Wimbledon Championship break it was 1:0 to 15:0. After her maintenance, which Fernandezová nevertheless passed, the car was poorly repaired. It is important for Czech tennis players to take care of their 50s. The result is 4:1.

“It was a bit of a surprise, it’s about 30:0. But this is happening, so it’s a bit of a surprise. I’m going to start at 3:40 p.m. and it’s a surprise, what is it? “is? Rozhodnutí bohuzel was like that. I thought it was good, but it doesn’t matter. And I think she deserved it,” Vondroušová told him.

End of the vítězné series

Poslední šanci on obrat měla světová sedmička za vu 3:5, kdy vedla 40:0. Fernandezová ale pěti míčky za sebou duel dotáhla do konce. “Since the score was 40:0, I have been trying to understand,” Vondroušová said.

V government officials since 2017 and after 11 days. “I knew this would all end. I thought this was the best way to start. From my friend’s point of view, I had a lot of fun and everything was perfect. I’m sure that’s what jsem mohla did. She mi to bohužel párkrát urvala.Někdy to přijít muselo”, zakončila Vondroušová.

Fernandezová následně excelovala and ve čtyřhře has společně s Dabrowskou sent Kanaďanky do prvního finalále v Poháru Billie Jean Kingové v historie. “Fernandezová rozhodla. Odehrála skvělé utkání s Markétou (Vondroušovou) et ve čtyřhře neodpadla. Naopak, in the end she was on the kurtu nejlepší”, smekl Pála.

Representation of the official letter on the value of the trophy in Italy. Tathiana Garbinov played against Slovinsko in the semi-final on Saturday. The winner was Martina Trevisanová, who beat Kaju Juvanová 7:6, 6:3 and Jasmine Paoliniová triumphing over Tamarou Zidanšekova 6:2, 4:6, 6:3.

Alec Dittman

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