Latvia celebrates the historic success of the national ice hockey team! Important parliamentary decision

The Latvian ice hockey team has achieved the greatest success in its history. The Latvians won the bronze medal at the world championships. On this occasion, the parliament of this country took an important decision.

Latvia won the bronze medal on Sunday after winning the third-place game against the United States. According to the portal, the Latvian parliament immediately after Latvia won the game decided to adopt an amendment to the law on public holidays and made May 29 of this year a day off.

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Politicians also praised Latvians. The match for third place in the Tampere hall was watched by the President of Latvia, Egils Levits, who took a photo with the team in the dressing room after the match. Congratulations were also sent by Edgars Rinkevics, who called the Latvians ‘a great hockey powerhouse’.

Latvian hockey’s greatest success to date was the quarter-finals of the Olympic tournament in Sochi in 2014, as well as the quarter-finals of the world championships in 1997, 2000 and 2004. On their way to the bronze medal, the Latvians beat the Swedes in the quarter-finals. They lost to Canada in the semi-finals and won American overtime in the third-place game.

This year’s ice hockey world champion was won by Canada, who beat Germany 5-2 in the final. For the Canadians, it was the 28th world championship in history.

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