Poland defeated Canada. Concert after a bad start

At the start of this year’s Nations League, the Red and White defeated the United States 3-0 (25:22, 25:15, 26:24). The next rival of Nikola Grbic’s team was Canada.

The Poles got off to a bad start. At the start of the set, nothing was working in our team, which practically only scored points after a few errors from its opponents. Canada quickly backed down. After Karol Butrym’s unsuccessful attack, the score was 6:9.

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The Whites and the Reds received and served poorly. After a broken serve from Grzegorz Łomacz, Canada led 17:13. The advantage gained at the start of the set was enough to win the first game.

Alec Dittman

"Web specialist. Social media ninja. Amateur food aficionado. Alcohol advocate. General creator. Beer guru."

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