Canadian auto workers accept Ford offer

Canadian auto workers reached a deal with Ford on Sunday that gives them a 15 per cent wage increase over the next three years. The deal prevents the U.S. auto strike from spreading north. Photo: Carlos Osorio/AP/NTB

By NTB | 09/25/2023 01:42:33

Policy: 5,600 workers represented by the Unifor union have agreed to a three-year contract that gives them a 10 percent pay increase in the first year and a total of 15 percent over the period.

Fifty-four percent of auto workers voted yes in the vote, which came two days after the UAW union expanded its strike against General Motors and Stellantis.

Workers are demanding higher wages, a shorter work week and other concessions from owners. The UAW did not put Ford workers on strike because they believe the company has done more to address their demands.

The auto strike has received a lot of attention and there are concerns that it could have economic consequences across the United States. President Joe Biden will meet with strikers in the swing state of Michigan on Tuesday, the day before former President Donald Trump’s scheduled strike.
