says china is backward

– Largest case of Chinese cyber espionage since attack on Microsoft Exchange, says Charles Carmakal, CEO of Mandiant.

The cyberattack was reported by several international media, including Additional review.

– Steal emails

The company said in a report on Thursday that it was confident of the China connection.

New Hacker Fear: – Massive Danger

Among other things, the attack would have specifically targeted issues of a highly political nature. According to the same newspaper, these should have been under the spotlight of the Chinese authorities.

– In some cases, they stole e-mails from prominent employees who dealt with matters of interest to the Chinese government, explains the boss.

Carmakal believes the UNC4841 hacker group is behind the massive attack.

It has not been confirmed whether the group has any direct ties to the Chinese government.


The hackers reportedly targeted people from at least 16 different countries in the private and public sectors.

The countries in question must be located in the Pacific region and the United States.

In an article published by ABC News, it appears that 55% of the organizations concerned had links with the United States. The rest was relatively evenly split between Asia and Europe.

Barracuda is in the business of email protection, and the online spying reportedly started in October last year, but wasn’t uncovered until May this year.

– We continue to see evidence of ongoing malware activity, Barracuda says.

Security researchers also believe that a Chinese group is behind this attack.

Rocky Maldonado

"Hardcore coffee specialist. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Devoted internetaholic."

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