Author: Rocky Maldonado

"Hardcore coffee specialist. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Devoted internetaholic."

Storm – Storm “Otto” is raging

The violent storm Otto brings with it strong gusts of wind. This caused major aviation delays and several flights were cancelled. The storm ravages much of southern Norway. Agder Police responded to a fallen tree in the westbound lane on

– A Greatest Hits Album With Lies – Dagsavisen

On Wednesday evening, Trump participated in a town hall meeting with voters who identify as Republicans or Independents and will vote in the New Hampshire primary. In the interview with the CNN reporter, the former president repeatedly repeated the undocumented

Police warn after scandal night

– Cold weather and alcohol are a scary combination, and we’re worried some party planners don’t take that into account, says Dag Hovden, department head at Valle and Bykle police station in Dagbladet. At the start of Easter week, he