Canada’s federal government is increasing funding for higher education, community infrastructure and Indigenous health in an apparent attempt to assuage criticism of its handling of the serious problems that continue to plague Canada’s First Nations and Inuit communities. country. This
In the second quarter, Grieg Seafood Finnmark AS accounted for 88 million of the group’s 134 million operating profits. Director Håkon Volden does not want to speculate on why the Finnmark department farms salmon much more profitably than the Rogaland,
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reaches out to all parties in the country, but rules out any government cooperation. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau at the Liberal Party election vigil after the announcement of the
The Swedish Ski Association has issued a press release. – Now it is very important that I take care of my own health, says Kajsa King. Photo: DANIEL STILLER / BILDBYR N See more Published: 07.11.2017 17:03 | Updated: 07.11.2017
They said it wasn’t applicable, but it’s still no surprise that the Audi A1 now comes with four-wheel drive. TESTED: Currently the only Audi A1 with Quattro being tested in Canada. Photo: Audi Published: January 12, 2011 Updated January 12,
Curious readers contacted Bladet Vesterålen on Tuesday morning after spotting the whitish balloon high in the sky. In the Stokmarknes airport tower, they were aware of the balloon’s presence, but explained that they were not authorized to speak to the
The ad was moved in connection with the fact that Statoil has been charged with 19 offenses by Canadian environmental authorities. The somewhat unusual ad ran a half-page spread in the Edmonton Journal and was made possible by a coin
Prince Harry says that for several years he tried to ignore the grief caused by his mother’s death and eventually had to seek professional help to deal with his feelings. Prince Harry photographed earlier this month. Photo: AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth/NTB
Advertising reserved for healthcare workers The Chronicle: Stig SlørdahlManaging Director of Helse Midt-Norge RHF IT IS It’s hard to disagree with the president of the Norwegian Medical Association, Marit Hermansen, who recently wrote that we have one of the best
– This is absolutely fantastic and quite silly. The whole situation is so crazy that I managed to keep calm, Kristoffer Sagmo Aalberg (35) tells NRK. Many people know the nordtrønder from Barne-TV and Newton on NRK. Since 2011 he